What I want to remember today.
What I want to remember today.

What I want to remember today.

Photos taken with the Fujifilm Rx100v

Today I want to remember the sun in Spring. Never afraid to surprise you on a long day that made you crave a hot Summer’s night.

“yes”, she whispered, “I’m always here to light you up.”

Today I want to remember that I’m enough. Not afraid to leave behind heavy weights pulling me down. I no longer need to carry it around.

Today I want to remember the rain. Giving life to more than we can care to embrace, lost in time and space. That little flower on a worn out building made of concrete, growing effortlessly even when all seems hopeless. That’s when rain brings peace.

Today I want to remember my feet. Helping me stand tall as I search the earth for reasons to be.

Today I want to remember pain. For it helped me see there’s a light to the dark, there’s no need to stay in defeat.

Today I want to remember me. Even when I can’t see the positive in things, I’m still here to let it all run right through me. To experience this thing we call life, from a perspective made to broaden forever.

Everything will be okay.

– julie